Testimonies from Past Virtual Retreat
Testimony : Houston Texas April 2nd. 2022
Hello Evangelist Toyin Eso-Fatunsin,
I pray that all is well with you and all that concerns you and that you are wondrously blessed! I must say I was overjoyed and surprised when you acknowledged me and that you even remembered me from the Anointed Tongues retreat.
I was amazed during that retreat (August 2021) that I had written a book, and I thought that was all that Father God was going to do with that. But, was I wrong, because after that retreat, God did anoint my tongue as He had me to start a Podcast and now my voice can be heard worldwide. It has done exceptionally well and has been heard in the UK, Singapore, and a couple other places I may not get to go. Wow! My God is amazing. Now, He wants to anoint me with oil and give me the oil of gladness! I was not able to get on the zoom today, so I was attempting to receive all I could yesterday. I don't know if there is a way to replay the broadcast., but I would love to catch the replay.
I thank you Ma, for your obedience to Holy Spirit and putting on these retreats, because I have been tremendously blessed by them. I watch your movies and am anxiously awaiting the next episodes and new movies as they are released.